Thursday, July 3, 2014

My tiny kitchen

My tiny kitchen where everything is stuffed..!

The size of my kitchen is barely 2.35m x 2.5m (7.7ft x 8ft) and with 2 people in it, you are bound to knock something over or elbow the other person in the guts. But there is a tiny extra space which is the balcony/laundry room ( 1.15m x 2.5m (8ft x 3.7ft)

Not forgetting that I have 3 adorable cats living with me and oh, my dearest hubbs.. I use his red tool trolley as my kitchen trolley like the Stenstorp kitchen trolley- only bigger and very durable though - it can withstand a whole lot of weight from my plates, pots & pans and even the mortar & pestle!

After 4.5 years or 1,642 days spent going in and out of the kitchen, I finally gave up - BIG TIME. I had to do something about it. 

If you noticed, we also made a video for a contest (25-hr cook-off) in 2013 to win an IKEA kitchen - but no luck :)

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