Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Renovation in Progress (part 6)

Week 6

Now with the designs and measurement in hand, I took a day off. Hubbs and I went to IKEA to make our dream kitchen come true..

After obtaining the quotation from the lovely and helpful IKEA lady, we headed straight to IKEA's contractor's office and booked the date for the installation of our kitchen - they were fully booked for June 2014! 

They only had an opening in mid-July 2014 so we had no choice but to grab the earliest date possible. 

With all the vital appointments and bookings completed, we both went home happy (and no doubt picked up some furnishing stuff at IKEA).

to be continued

1 comment:

  1. Hi IkeaFan2014.

    I love reading your renovation blog. i am in the middle of creating my own kitchen space with Ikea kitchen. I have the design, but i have a few things to ask you, if you don't mind.

    1) who did the measurement at your kitchen? - i measured myself and i used the ikea kitchen planner website to design my kitchen. i am afraid if my measurement is not accurate enough. did you engage CT Art Design to come and measure your kitchen size?

    2) how do you actually do the purchasing at IKEA?
