Sunday, July 6, 2014

Renovation in Progress (part 4)

Week 4

Did I mention that hubbs wanted the store-room window changed? Tsk... tsk.. tsk
He wanted this done to make sure the kitchen windows and the store-room window
are similar.
Hence, we have added another pre-ordered window for the store-room.

In the meantime, the 3-panel balcony glass-door finally arrived. 

Saturday morning, after renovations to the kitchen were completed, our CT Art designer arrived. We showed him our plans and he measured the kitchen. He advised us to bring our lay-out plans together with his measurements to IKEA for them to prepare us the budget (which we approximately knew) - based on our design and cabinet doors/front.

By noon, looking at the additions made to the living room, we noted that our ceiling was plain and bare. 

On Saturday afternoon, we decided to go to Jalan Pahang to view cornices. The installer confirmed that it was a 4-hour operation since our living room was small. So, we agreed to get it installed the same day before the wood-laminated flooring arrived the following Monday:

decide what you need 
- to be continued

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